Rebeccah Bartlett
Victoria, Australia
Available for placements from 2020.
PhD Details
Rebeccah’s PhD studies explore co-designing mHealth solutions with refugee communities to improve their access to sexual and reproductive health services. Anticipated submission in early 2022, Monash Centre for Health Research and Implementation
Rebeccah is a clinician with particular expertise in mHealth, maternal and reproductive health and working with vulnerable populations. She is skilled in:
- Sexual and reproductive health
- mHealth
- co-design
- refugee health
- participatory action research
- maternal and child health
- family planning
- anthropological and historical research methods
- qualitative research methods
Rebeccah is a registered Nurse-Midwife and the founder of Shifra, a digital health product designed to improve sexual and reproductive health access for refugee and migrant populations. Her work focuses on underserved communities and those affected by conflict. She has experience as a nurse-midwife in Australia and internationally and works with non-profits in supporting women experiencing social and economic disadvantage throughout pregnancy and birth. Rebeccah employs human-centred and strengths-based approaches to all her work. She is a leader in reducing health disparities and promoting respectful maternity care.
Rebeccah is experienced in using mixed-methodologies in research, including community-based participatory research, anthropological and geographic-based inquiry, human-centred design workshops and basic health and technological literacy questionnaires to determine the social and spatial influences to accessing health care that often goes unnoticed using traditional data collection methods. Her PhD studies use a social-ecological model to co-design and evaluate the Shifra health intervention with refugee communities.