The ACHI Council leads and manages the affairs of the College.


Council Members 2016-17

  President: Chris Pearce

  Vice President: Angela Ryan

  Hon. Secretary: Kathleen Gray

  Hon. Treasurer: Peter Williams

  Councillor: Douglas Boyle

  Councillor: Juanita Fernando

  Councillor: Klaus Veil

Council Committees

Programme Evaluation Committee (Co-Chair: Karen Day)

Activities: Over the last year we have participated with the AMIA WG on Health IT evaluation to update an international HI evidence bibliography:  Our first public statement has came out in the Pulse IT November 2013 edition (p36).  The purpose and operation of the ACHI Program Evaluation Sub-Committee was also the topic of this Pulse IT article.

We were pleased to announce regular bi-annual Health Informatics evidence reviews that the PES will lead.  Karen Day and Chris Bain will lead the review of “Patient-Accessible Healthcare Records”.  We encourage all ACHI Fellows and Members to send us articles or links on this subject matter which they believe demonstrate:

  • high quality research
  • interesting methodologies or
  • interesting / useful outcomes
Membership Committee (Co-Chairs: David Bunker & Kathleen Gray)

Activities: Reviews, assesses and recommends membership applications.


Education Committee (Co-Chair: Juanita Fernando)

Activities: Reviews and recommends on matters regarding education.


Online Presence Committee (Co-Chair: Karen Day)

Activities: Reviews, recommends and managed the College’s online presence.


Scientific Programmes Committee (Co-Chairs: Sue Whetton & Ray Kirk)

Activities: Reviews, recommends and manages the College’s involvement in conference scientific programmes.


Past College Presidents

2014-16: Klaus Veil
2013-14: Chris Pearce
2011-13: Peter Williams
2009-11: Klaus Veil
2007-09: Terry Hannan
2005-07: Teng Liaw
2003-05: Evelyn Hovenga
2002-03: Branko Cesnik (†2007)
2001-02: Enrico Coiera (Founding President)

Foundation Fellows

The 2002 College Foundation Fellows were: Peter Adkins, Patrick Bolton, Branko Celler, Branko Cesnik†, Enrico Coiera, Terry Hannan, Sam Heard, Evelyn Hovenga, Michael Kidd, Teng Liaw, Malcolm Pradhan, Rosemary Roberts, Peter Schloeffel, Don Walker, Jim Warren, Peter Williams and Peter Yellowlees.


Governance Documents

College Rules/Constitution
College Professional Code of Conduct