Australasian College of Health Informatics OLD

The Australasian College of Health Informatics is the professional organisation for Digital Health and e-Health in the Asia-Pacific Region.  The credentialed Fellows and Members of the College are national, regional and international thought leaders, experts and trusted advisers in Digital Health.  ACHI sets standards for professional practice and education in Health Informatics, provides evidence-based guidance to jurisdictions, supports initiatives, facilitates inter-disciplinary collaboration and mentors the community.

Free Student Membership

The College has free membership for Students who are currently enrolled in a Health Informatics-related subject or study program and are aiming to build capacity for contribution to the field of Health Informatics, through continuing learning and development in the profession.
To apply for free Student Membership, please click here.
Please provide your education organisation e-mail (eg,, .edu, etc.) – it is required for your application.  Thank you.

Recently Published College Documents

The College regularly provides evidence-based input and comment on relevant government or NGO proposals and drafts.  ACHI Fellows and Members have recently authored the following response documents:

Health Information Workforce Summit 2015 Report  (HIMAA/ACHI/HISA – July 2016)
Joint ANZSCO Health Informatics Professional Categories  (ACHI/HIMAA/HISA/ALIA – June 2016)
Joint Statement on Constitution and Governance of the Australian Council for eHealth  (ACHI/HISA/HIMAA – Aug. 2015)
ACHI Comments on ‘Electronic Health Records and Healthcare Identifiers: Legislation Discussion Paper’  (June 2015)
ACHI Response to IMDRF ‘Software as a Medical Device (SaMD): Application of Quality Management System’  (May 2015)
ACHI Comments on ‘National Guidelines for On-Screen Display of Clinical Medicines Information’  (joint with AIHI/APSF – May 2015)
‘Patient Access to Pathology Results’  (Edwards G, Georgiou A, Legg M, full paper – 3 Nov. 2014)
ACHI Encourages Consumer Access to Pathology Results  (Press Release – 30 Oct. 2014)
ACHI Welcomes the Release of the PCEHR Review  (Press Release – 22 May 2014)
ACHI Response to Medicare Locals Review  (Dec. 2013)
ACHI Response to PCEHR Review  (Nov. 2013)
ACHI Response to DoHA “PCEHR Proposals for Regulations and Rules”  (April 2012)
ACHI Response to DoHA “PCEHR Legislative Issues”  (August 2011)
ACHI Response to NEHTA PCEHR Key Points Concept of Operations, Shared Health Summary and Event Summary  (July 2011)
ACHI Response to Draft PCEHR Concept of Operations  (May 2011, updated June 2011)
ACHI Submission to Senate Enquiry into the Health Identifier Legislation  (Transcripts)  (Report)  (March 2010)
ACHI Response to Draft Health Identifier Legislation  (Jan. 2010)
Report on HealthCom 2009 Conference  (ACHI Past President Dr Terry Hannan – Sydney, Dec. 2009)
Report on “Realising Our Broadband Future” Workshop  (Sydney, Dec. 2009)
ACHI Response to NEHTA Draft “Electronic Transfer of Prescription”  (Dec. 2009)
Letter to Prime Minister Rudd re e-Health Implementation  (via Coalition for eHealth – Dec. 2009)
ACHI Response to AHMAC Discussion Paper on “Health Identifiers & Privacy”  (Aug. 2009)
Australian Health Informatics Education Council ‘Work Plan 2009-10 and Beyond’  (June 2009)
ACHI Submission to the National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission  (Aug. 2008)
ACHI Submission to NEHTA Review  (Aug. 2007)
ACHI Panel Presentation on Success Factors Review  (Aug. 2007)
Report on NEHTA and ACSQH e-Health Conference  (March 2007)
ACHI Submission on Access Card Privacy  (Oct. 2006)
Australian Health Informatics Educational Framework  (Garde S, Hovenga E – March 2006)
ACHI Paper on eHealth Strategy  (Dec. 2005)



The College has four levels of membership reflecting expertise and contributions to Health Informatics:

Fellow (“FACHI”)
Full Member (“MACHI”)
Graduate Member
Student Member

More details and membership application form here: Benefits of College Membership.  The College has a mentorship program that guides and assists professionals to become ACHI Members or Fellows.


e-Journal of Health Informatics

Founded by the College in March 2006, the e-Journal of Health Informatics is dedicated to the advancement of Health Informatics and information technology in healthcare.  eJHI is an international Open Access journal committed to scholarly excellence and has a global readership in all health professions and at all levels.

eJHI publishes original, high quality papers related to Health Informatics and health informatics technology in a timely fashion.  It provides the healthcare profession with readily accessible, electronically shared information about research and experiences in all areas of health informatics, health information management and health information technology.

View our e-journal at



The Fellows and Members of the College benefit from the College’s strong partnerships with important national and international Health Informatics organisations:

International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA)

The College is an Academic Institutional Member of the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA).  This provides the College and its members with the following privileges:

  • Networking with peer organisations on a global level for the interchange of ideas, collaborative efforts, student/faculty exchange etc.
  • Participation in IMIA’s Working and Special Interest Groups
  • Participation in the IMIA General Assembly, IMIA’s governing body
  • Access to the IMIA’s online “News and Announcements” and “Meetings & Conferences”
  • Inclusion in IMIA’s web site and annual Yearbook of Medical Informatics
  • Free access to the full electronic version of the IMIA Yearbook
Australian Council of Professions (“Professions Australia”)

The College is a full member of  the Australian Council of Professions, the national peak organisation of professional associations advancing and promoting professionalism for the benefit of the community.  Professions Australia has ~30 member associations representing ~420,000 professionals across Australia and pursues initiatives to enhance professional standards and increase the professions’ contributions to the broader community by:

  • maintaining and developing the ethical standards of professionals
  • working in partnership with the higher education sector to ensure excellence in professional education
  • encouraging continual professional development and the updating of professional knowledge
  • contributing to the recognition of professional practice by governments and the community
  • supporting volunteering and community service by individual professionalsThe College is an Academic
Standards Australia IT-014 “e-Health” Committee

The College is a formal Member of the peak Australian committee for the development and ratification of standards for health information systems interoperability and e-health, Standards Australia IT-014 “Health Informatics”.  IT-014 publishes national standards that respond to the health sector’s information needs and ensure a consolidated approach in areas such as electronic health records, messaging, terminology, representation of health concepts, client/provider identification and health supply chain.  Its standards will allow the exchange and longitudinal management of health information to support integrated clinical care.  The membership in IT-014 provides the College and its members with:

  • Input into the Australian strategy and implementation of health information systems interoperability and e-health standards
  • Participation in the creation and localisation of information systems interoperability and e-health standards for Australia
  • Participation in the Australian commenting and voting on ISO health informatics standards

Other Affiliations

The College also collaborates with the following organisations:

Health Informatics New Zealand (HiNZ)

Health Informatics Society of Australia (HISA)

Australian Health Informatics Education Council (AHIEC)